
Sports day!

Sports day!
Rock-Scissor-Paper and Bowling game competition
This month was about sport.
We made a competition with diffrent sportdisziplins and dances.

The S-Class had fun to created a Hungry Caterpillar dance
with selfmade hats.

The TEP-Class did a cheerleading performance with colorful big hands,
they designed it by themselves.

The students learned the rock-scissor-paper game.
Two groups competed against each other.
They stood on a balance beam and enjoyed to played the game.

At the end, everyone got a fancy sticker.

To learned about, how to work in a team together
and build a teamspirit together was a good experience for them.
The S-Class learned about, how to roll a ball properly.
They played a bowling game and knocked down a lot of cones.

That was fun for everyone.
All students enjoyed doing the competition.
Let´s stay fit together.