
New School Year 2021


Students have gotten used to their life at STEP.
This past month we have been talking about
school rooms, materials and rules. 
Students worked together to make many school rule signs
to put around the school.
They also took turns being a school tour guide
to explain each room and rule.

Childrens' Day was a fun cultural event.
All the students got their photos taken wearing some special costumes.
The boys looked very strong and the girls looked very cute. 

The students also worked hard on some flying carp flags
that go well together with the current season.

We expanded our STEP garden this past month.
The students are now checking the growth of some strawberry plants daily.
They enjoy giving them water.
Everyone is looking forward to the harvest.

Students also saw natural life first hand in the garden.
First they noticed some tiny eggs on a tree
and realized they were lady bug eggs.

In most recent weeks
the students have been finding baby lady bugs exploring the garden.

The students have been gently talking to and guiding the lady bug babies
as they take their first steps.